November 21, 2006

Wordless Wednesday


Debs said...

That's a great picture. I see you wanted to be early with your WW as well.

Melissa said...

Oh man! It's Tuesday !!!!!
I have been functioning on Wednesday all day today. I even wondered why I was the first one to list at WW!!!! What a dingy I am today!
Well, I guess I have a head start on tomorrow!

MaR said...

Great shot, didn't know they liked OJ!
It's 0:01am over here, happy ww!

Holly Schwendiman said...

ROFL over mixed up days - - glad I'm not the only one who has done this before! Happy WW!

Holly's Corner

Moogie said...

I love it. I had any number of birds when I was growing up and in my early 20's. I've kind of gotten away with them and am now starting to get the bug again. :)

Happy WW!

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

Love the picture. Is it OJ or a screwdriver (lol)? The bird is beautiful. Happy WW!

Tammy said...

what a gorgeous bird! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Cute! I had a parakeet that looked like that, and one that was blue and gray. They were sweet, but oh so messy! Happy WW! Mine's posted, too.

NOLADawn said...

Cute! Did he like it?

Anonymous said...

Aaaw, whos a pretty birdy. great pic

Anonymous said...

That is just too funny. Never have seen a bird drink OJ.
Happy Wednesday :)

Wendy Ann Edwina D'Cunha e Pereira said...

so did he enjoy the juice? Nice pic!!!

Gattina said...

Hope it didn't fall in ! Very cute picture !

Hen Jen said...

Really cute picture. We always had several birds growing up, so I am partial to them.

happy WW!
Jenny in Ca

Melissa said...

Cheesecake loves orange juice, although we don't let him have it very often. No vodka for him!
Whatever we are having, he is extremely interested in. He really is a cool bird. He is a green-cheeked conure.
Tune in next Wordless Wednesday to see what kind of predicament cheesecake can get himself in.

Unknown said...

This pic is way too cute!
Happy WW from Germany,


Anonymous said...

AWWWWWWW, Cheesecake is soooooo cute!
Does he talk or just entertain you with song?

Happy Thanksgiving.

Chaotic Mom said...

Okay, as long as he's drinking YOUR OJ and not MY COFFEE, I'd be fine with that. Very neat pet! Wait! Did I read the OJ was SPIKED????? ;)

I've posted my Wordless Wednesday, too. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

how sweet. Cheesecake. Like that name!!!!

Mine's posted. One you won't believe!!!

Celfyddydau said...

I tried to post a comment last night but the silly PC wouldn't let me :( something about cookies, but then I was at college and they have disabled everything.

Great pic. Hope it's only juice in the glass.

My WW is up

Unknown said...

Guess he was thirsty

BlondeBrony said...

Very cute.
Happy WW!

Rayne said...

What a beautiful bird. When I had birds they would love sharing breakfast with me and I would put OJ in a little bowl for them so they would stop sticking their outmeal covered beaks in my glass of orange juice.

Anais Nin said...

That's such a great shot! I've never seen a bird do that before!

Anonymous said...
